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10–12 Oct 2022
National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences
Europe/Vilnius timezone

Axions in the sky and on tables

Not scheduled
A101 (National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences)


National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences

National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius LT-10257, Lithuania


Hyungjin Kim (DESY)


In this talk, I will discuss several different ways to search for axion-like particles in the sky and on tables. I will briefly review recent discussions on the hierarchy problem and how it leads to a new insight for new physics search, especially in the context of axion-like particles. We then discuss several different ideas for terrestrial axion searches and astrophysical searches. As a concrete example, we discuss axion search through atomic/molecular spectroscopy and also through gravitational waves.

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