- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Mailing list for attendees: hep-event-wlcg-tier2ws@cern.ch
Workshop Questionnaire - please take the time to fill it in! (Results will be summarised and published).
See also the agenda for the accompanying Tutorial days.
Copies of the LCG and experiment Computing TDRs will be available for attendees.
The current list of known Tier2 sites can be found here.
Some additional sites are also available in Chris Eck's report on Resources to the CRRB in October 2005.
A list of CMS Tier2 (and Tier1) site names and contacts can be found here.
If you would like to make a suggestion or comment on the overall agenda please use this Wiki page.
The CERN hostels page can be found here, together with a list of nearby hotels.
Registration of Computers is mandatory at CERN: register your portable computer.