The SuperNova Early Warning System (SNEWS) connects different neutrino experiments to quickly alert the astronomy community once the next galactic supernova happens. Since 2019, it has been completely redesigned for the new era of multimessenger astronomy.
This talk will give an overview over SNEWS’ fully Python-based toolchain, covering communication of experiments with SNEWS, coincidence...
Expanding HEP datasets and analysis challenges continues to give rise to advancing software within the ecosystem. The LHCb experiment has seen many analyzers make the change to Python-based analysis software tools, making use of many of the scikit and scikit-hep packages. Additional development of flavour-physics aimed packages is spearheaded by many users within the collaboration. A broad...
Apache Spark is a very successful open-source tool for data processing. This talk will focus on the use of Spark and its DataFrame API in the context of HEP. We will go through a few demos of some simple and outreach-style analyses implemented using Jupyter notebooks and the Spark Python API (PySpark). We will wrap up with a short discussion of the key features in Spark and its ecosystem that...
In this notebook talk we will demonstrate the Coffea Work Queue executor for analysis workflows. Work Queue is a framework for building large scale manager-worker applications. When used together with Coffea, it can measure the resources, such as cores and memory, that chunks of events need and adapt their allocations to maximize throughput. Further, we will demonstrate how the executor can...
Recent developments of HEP software in the Python ecosystem allow novel approaches to physics analysis workflows. The novel data delivery system, ServiceX, can be very effective when accessing large datasets at remote grid sites. ServiceX can deliver user-selected columns with filtering and run at scale. I will introduce the ServiceX data management package, ServiceX DataBinder, for easy...
is an open-source software for a variety of computational tasks in flavor physics. Its use cases include theory predictions within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, Bayesian inference of theory parameters from experimental and theoretical likelihoods, and simulation of pseudo events for a number of signal processes. EOS
ensures high-performance computations through a...
Correctionlib provides a well-structured JSON data format for a wide variety of ad-hoc correction factors encountered in a typical HEP analysis and a companion evaluation tool suitable for use in C++ and python programs. The format is designed to be self-documenting and preservable, while the evaluator is designed to have good performance.
pyhepmc is a Pythonic frontend for the HepMC3 library and part of Scikit-HEP. It allows one to read/write HepMC3 records in various formats and to convert any other particle record to HepMC3. pyhepmc was originally proposed to become the official Python interface for HepMC3. HepMC3 eventually got an alternative Python interface which is an automatic translation of the C++ interface, while...
Python 3.11 is coming out in October! We will look through the major features you can expect, such as results from the Faster CPython project, enhanced exceptions, new typing functionality, a very nice new asyncio feature, and several exciting enhancements sprinkled throughout the standard library. A couple of major new changes will be rolling in in future versions, as well, like the removal...