2:00 PM
Plenary Session Monday
(until 6:20 PM)
2:00 PM
Welcome and workshop overview
Eduardo Rodrigues
(University of Liverpool (GB))
2:10 PM
Level Up Your Python
Henry Fredrick Schreiner
(Princeton University)
3:10 PM
TheBureaucrat, a package to help you organize your work
Matias Senger
(University of Zurich (CH))
3:20 PM
Histograms as Objects: Tools for Efficient Analysis and Interactivity
Aman Goel
(University of Delhi)
Jay Gohil
(IRIS HEP Fellow)
3:50 PM
PyHEP and the Climate Crisis [Cancelled]
Hannah Wakeling
(McGill University)
4:00 PM
--- BREAK ---
4:30 PM
Uproot, Awkward Array, hist, Vector: from basics to combinatorics
Jim Pivarski
(Princeton University)
5:00 PM
Python in the Belle II experiment
Yo Sato
5:30 PM
Teaching Python the Sustainable Way: Lessons Learned at HSF Training
Guillermo Antonio Fidalgo Rodriguez
(University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
Aman Goel
(University of Delhi)
Alexander Moreno Briceño
(Universidad Antonio Nariño)
6:00 PM
Uhepp: Sharing plots in a self-contained format
Frank Sauerburger
(Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
6:10 PM
jacobi: Error propagation made easy
Hans Peter Dembinski
(TU Dortmund)
2:00 PM
Plenary Session Tueday
(until 6:00 PM)
2:00 PM
iminuit: fitting models to data
Hans Peter Dembinski
(TU Dortmund)
3:00 PM
Skyhook: Managing Columnar Data Within Storage
Jayjeet Chakraborty
3:10 PM
The Particle & DecayLanguage packages
Eduardo Rodrigues
(University of Liverpool (GB))
3:20 PM
PhaseSpace + DecayLanguage
Simon Thor
3:30 PM
Constructing HEP vectors and analyzing HEP data using Vector
Saransh Chopra
(Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi)
4:00 PM
--- BREAK ---
4:30 PM
Matplotlib with HSF Training
Alexander Moreno Briceño
(Universidad Antonio Nariño)
5:30 PM
Lessons learned converting a production-grade Python CMS analysis to distributed RDataFrame
Tommaso Tedeschi
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano
(Valencia Polytechnic University (ES))
6:00 PM
Social time: Tuesday Meet and Mingle
(until 6:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Plenary Session Wednesday
(until 6:50 PM)
2:00 PM
The SuperNova Early Warning System & Software for Studying Supernova Neutrinos
Jost Migenda
(King’s College London)
2:30 PM
Python Usage Within the LHCb Experiment
Nathan Grieser
(University of Cincinnati (US))
3:00 PM
Basic Physics Analyses Implemented Using Apache Spark.
Luca Canali
3:30 PM
Automatic Resource Management with Coffea and Work Queue for analysis workflows
Benjamin Tovar Lopez
(University of Notre Dame)
4:00 PM
--- BREAK ---
4:30 PM
Data Management Package for the novel data delivery system, ServiceX, and its application to an ATLAS Run-2 Physics Analysis Workflow
Kyungeon Choi
(University of Texas at Austin (US))
5:00 PM
EOS -- A software for Flavor Physics Phenomenology
Danny van Dyk
5:30 PM
Nick Smith
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
6:00 PM
pyhepmc: a Pythonic interface to HepMC3
Hans Peter Dembinski
(TU Dortmund)
6:10 PM
What's new in Python 3.11
Henry Fredrick Schreiner
(Princeton University)
2:00 PM
Plenary Session Thursday
(until 6:10 PM)
2:00 PM
Analysis Optimisation with Differentiable Programming
- Mr
Nathan Daniel Simpson
(Lund University (SE))
3:00 PM
Speeding up differentiable programming with a Computer Algebra System
- Mr
Remco de Boer
(Ruhr University Bochum)
3:30 PM
The pythia8 python interface
Michael Kent Wilkinson
(University of Cincinnati (US))
4:00 PM
--- BREAK ---
4:30 PM
End-to-end physics analysis with Open Data: the Analysis Grand Challenge
Alexander Held
(University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
5:30 PM
Awkward RDataFrame Tutorial
Ianna Osborne
(Princeton University)
6:00 PM
Developing implicitly-parallel Python analysis tools for NOvA
Derek Doyle
(Colorado State University)
6:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
6:30 PM
Intro talk - how to get your set-up to "hack around"
Aman Goel
(University of Delhi)
2:00 PM
Plenary Session Friday
(until 6:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Dask Tutorial
Doug Davis
3:00 PM
Uproot + Dask
Kush Kothari
3:10 PM
Enabling Dask Interoperability with XRootD Storage Systems
Scott Demarest
(Florida Institute of Technology)
3:20 PM
3D and VR Industrial Use Cases in Python
Francois Gutherz
3:30 PM
Using C++ From Numba, Fast and Automatic
Baidyanath Kundu
(Princeton University (US))
4:00 PM
--- BREAK ---
4:30 PM
zfit - binned fits and histograms
Jonas Eschle
(University of Zurich (CH))
5:00 PM
abcd_pyhf: Likelihood-based ABCD method for background estimation and hypothesis testing with pyhf
Mason Proffitt
(University of Washington (US))
5:30 PM
Pyhf to Combine Converter
- Mr
Petey Ridolfi
5:40 PM
Scalable, Sparse IO with larcv
Corey Adams
5:50 PM
JetNet library for machine learning in high energy physics
Raghav Kansal
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
6:00 PM
Workshop close-out
Eduardo Rodrigues
(University of Liverpool (GB))