28 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
IJCLab Orsay
Europe/Paris timezone

Small-x effects including saturation at the LHC

30 Nov 2022, 14:40
Auditorium Joliot Curie (Building 100)

Auditorium Joliot Curie

Building 100

IJCLab Orsay
WG1: Higher Order and Resummed Calculations Parallel B - WG1: 1


Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen (NO))


The proton and nuclear gluon distribution functions show a strong
increase at low values of Bjorken x. This increase, if untamed, would
eventually lead to violation of unitarity. The growth of the gluon
distribution must therefore at some point saturate. I will review the
experimental status on saturation at the LHC.

Declaration I certify that I have checked that I am authorised to submit the abstract with the listed co-authors with their current affiliations
Change of Speaker I understand that change of speaker is allowed provided that no participant gives more than one talk. Otherwise, we will ask the speaker to choose between one or the other abstract to be presented.

Primary author

Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen (NO))

Presentation materials