A precise measurement of the mass of the W boson mass represents an important milestone of the LHC physics program to test the overall consistency of the Standard Model. In 2018 ATLAS experiment published a Mass measurement with 19MeV total uncertainty. Recently LHCb experiment published a new measurement compatible with the ATLAS measurement with 32 MeV total uncertainty. Both measurement are...
In my talk I am going to present recent result from ATLAS and CMS on top quark physics and electroweak single- and multi-boson production, with emphasis on vector-boson scattering.
I will review a selection of recent results in the context of EW and top-quark physics and I will discuss possible future developments.
Experimental searches for the odderon and related topics in diffractive physics are discussed.
I will discuss new higher-order photon induced mechanisms which lead to
asymmetry for $p p$ and $p \bar p$ scattering. The effect
will be discussed in the context of recent asymmetry
between the original $D0$ data for $p \bar p$ at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 GeV
and the $p p$ quasi-data obtained by extrapolation form real LHC data.
I will try to answer the question whether such a mechanism can...
While perturbation theory offers an impressive machinery to describe the strong interaction at
high energy, it is not reliable anymore to take into account long-distance degrees of freedom of the theory. Lattice QCD is a well-established approach to solve QCD from first principles of quantum field theory. Theorists have realised significant breakthrough in the recent past in topics which...
In this talk I will review the recent efforts in improving the logarithmic accuracy of the resummation encoded in parton shower algorithms, which are fundamental tools to perform collider phenomenology across a broad class of processes and observables.
This talk will be a brief overview of recent developments in event generation, with a focus on the interplay beween high-precision QCD perturbation theory and parton-shower resummation. It will also touch on topics beyond LHC.
The review of the present status and recent developments in the theory of heavy quarkonium production in proton-proton and lepton-proton collisions will be given.
This contribution is devoted to understanding the charmonium production mechanism using data from the LHC experiment. It describes a series of recent studies of single and double quarkonium production performed by ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments.
Although significant results were obtained concerning quark transverse-momentum dependent distribution functions (TMD PDFs), the deep knowledge on their formal properties being surrounded by a rich and wealthy phenomenology, the gluon-TMD field represents an almost uncharted territory. After a brief introduction of gluon TMD PDFs and their connection with spin studies, we report progresses...
Recent progress in the determination of nCTEQ nuclear PDFs will be discussed based on LHC heavy quark and quarkonium data putting strong constraints on the nuclear gluon PDF down to very small x ~ 10^-5.
We will also summarize the results of a recent in depth study of neutrino deep inelastic scattering data and their impact on nCTEQ nuclear PDFs.
In this contribution we summarize the role of multi parton scattering at the LHC with emphasis on the double parton scattering (DPS). In particular, the relevance of the these processes will be discussed in view of the extraction of novel information on the proton structure.
Finally, possible developments for the observation of DPS at the future EIC will be presented.
We review the status of flavour anomalies and discuss the theoretical predictions for the observables of interest. Comparing these predictions with the current experimental measurement, we discuss possible beyond the standard model scenarios which can accommodate these anomalies.
Over the last decade, measurements of $b\rightarrow s \ell^+\ell^-$ and $b\rightarrow c \ell^+\nu$ transitions have consistently shown tensions with Standard Model predictions. These tensions are referred to collectively as the Flavour Anomalies. In this talk, an overview of the Flavour Anomalies will be given, with a particular focus on the experimental challenges surrounding these...
Ten years after the Higgs boson discovery, this talk presents a summary of the measurement of the particle's properties, in the journey to disclose its nature.
We present a formalism that sums up the soft-virtual (SV) and next-to-SV (NSV) diagonal contributions
to inclusive production of colorless particle in hadron colliders to all orders in perturbative QCD.
We use the factorization theorem and renormalization group invariance as well as employing the transcendental structure of perturbative results to obtain the resummed result. Using this we...
Fixed-order predictions are one of the pillars of precision particle physics. In the talk, I will review some of the latest developments in calculating higher-order perturbative corrections to well-studied processes at colliders and highlight the difficulties that have been overcome to provide accurate theoretical predictions.
I will discuss recent measurement of the dead cone effect using jet substructure, recent theoretical calculations, and prospects for using the effect in heavy ion collisions to isolate medium-induced radiation.
This talk will cover recent measurements of jets and their substructure by ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb.
In this contribution, I will present selected recent measurements from heavy-ion collisions at the LHC that help us characterize the quark-gluon plasma created in these collisions. Limits of its formation will be discussed with the support of similar measurements performed in pp and p-Pb collisions.
We propose a brief overview of various generalizations of the usual parton distributions. These provide multidimensional pictures of the hadron internal structure and allow one to probe the orbital angular momentum content. We mention some of the recent progress and discuss the relevance of these objects for the LHC.
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a post-LHC project aiming at direct and indirect searches for physics beyond the SM in a new 90-km tunnel at CERN. Running in its first phase as a very-high-luminosity electron-positron collider in the range of center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s} =90-$350 GeV, the FCC-ee will offer unparalleled physics opportunities for precise measurements of QCD phenomena...