Recent results on heavy quarks and quarkonia in small systems at the LHC will be reviewed. Comparison with model calculations will be shown when possible.
We present unquenched correlator data and corresponding reconstructed spectral functions for quarkonium. Correlators are obtained using clover-improved Wilson fermions on $N_f=2+1$ HISQ lattices. Valence quark masses are tuned to their physical values by comparing the mass spectrum obtained from the lattice QCD with experimental values. For the spectral reconstruction, we use models based on...
Recent experimental results on the production of open heavy flavour mesons and quarkonium states in association with other heavy particles will be presented and discussed on behalf of the LHC experiments.
This includes the production of D meson pairs and of triple-J/psi final states as well as the production of J/psi in association with heavy vector bosons, and their interpretation in terms...
Quarkonium suppression is one of the more useful observables to obtain information about the hot medium created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.
In this talk, we discuss a simple way to implement both the initial-state effects and the hot-medium evolution, and to compute the quarkonium nuclear modification factor if the survival probability for a bound state at a given energy...