Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–18 Nov 2022
America/Guayaquil timezone


Pizza and poster session

15 Nov 2022, 16:30
Tesorería Hall (USFQ main campus)

Tesorería Hall

USFQ main campus


Poster presentations

Presentation materials

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Daniela Merizalde Aguirre (Universidad San Francisco de Quito (EC)), Jose David Ochoa Flores (Universidad San Francisco de Quito (EC)), Luis Andres Chicaiza Chuquitarco (Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EC)), Pamela Llerena Delgado (Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EC))
15/11/2022, 16:30
Outreach and Education
Poster presentation

To date, the CMS Collaboration has published a large part of its data collected during the LHC's Run1 and early Run 2 epochs.
These data have provided an unprecedented opportunity for academic groups, from regions without a long tradition in high-energy physics studies, to expand their research in the area of particle physics and related topics. This poster summarizes the experience of...

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