7th Seminar of HITRIplus - Health-value of particle therapy in 2022: clinical evidences and innovative opportunities, Clinica Universidad de Navarra
Global general scientific seminars linked to the HITRIplus project activities organised in the context of WP2 Networking, Communication, Dissemination.
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About Felipe Calvo:
Dr Calvo is a clinical oncologist interested in therapeutic development in the field of multidisciplinary oncology, in particular the areas of precise radiotherapy, intraoperative radiotherapy, chemo-radiation, assessment of tumour response and proton therapy. Current scientific activity is focused on clinical research based on long-term evaluation of institutional programs in super-precise radiotherapy (intraoperative electron radiotherapy and proton therapy), assessment of tumour response after neoadjuvant irradiation in gastrointestinal cancer models and correlations among molecular imaging and molecular profile expression.
In 2018 he accepted the position of Director of the Proton Therapy Unit at the Clinica Universidad de Navarra installed on the Madrid campus. The responsibilities associated are Chair Professor of Oncology, Co-Chairman Department of Oncology, Co-Charman Department of Radiation Oncology, member of the Board of the Cancer Center University of Navarra (CCUN) and Coordinator of Research and Education in Health Sciences on the Madrid campus. Since 1994 he is a member of the ESTRO (van der Schueren Award 2011, Lifetime Achievement Award 2020). In addition, Dr Calvo is a member of ASTRO (ASTRO Fellow 2019), ASCO, EORTC and SEOR (Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology, Gold Medal 2002). He was founder-director of the Spanish School of Radiation Oncology within SEOR (2010). Since 2014 is a member of the Scientific Board of the European School of Oncology.