- Much of the new ALICE Run 3 framework is still in development, see here for current documentation. In addition there will be a number of regularly held tutorial sessions which are announced on the ALICE-member mailing list.
- ATLAS Induction day + software tutorial is an event happening roughly three times a year. It starts off with a day-long introduction to the ATLAS collaboration by the Early Career Scientist Board, and ends with several days of software tutorial. All material can be accessed by anyone in ATLAS.
- The CMS internal website. Developed by members of the CMS Internal Communications Working Group, this is highly recommended for accessing information you will need as a member of the CMS collaboration.
- The CMS Induction Course is aimed at CMS newcomers and those who have been in CMS for some time. It comprises talks and discussions to cover a range of topics within CMS, including technical activities, the role and structure of CMS management, the CMS Young Scientists Committee, the CMS secretariat, the CMS communications group and the Diversity Office. Typically, there is also a visit to point 5. Please see here for the most recent Induction Course, held in June 2022.
- The Starterkit is a set of introductory tutorials on LHCb software. Usually targeted towards PhDs, the last edition was open to all career levels, and it concentrated exclusively on the Run3 software.
- Mentoring:
- The LHC Early Career Mentoring programme. Running since Autumn 2020, the LHC Early Career Mentoring programme is run by a team of volunteers from the LHC Early Career Scientists Fora. Typically, applications are open in Autumn, with the formal mentorship then taking place from December until August, after which point mentor-mentee pairs continuing informally if they wish to do so. For the 2022/2023 round onwards applications are kept open, such that individuals affected by the war in Ukraine can apply all year round as mentees, as can those that wish to mentor them. For more information, check the LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme website.
- The Women in Technology Mentoring programme The WIT Mentoring Programme runs once per year from May until December. For more information, check the Women in Technology website.
- Industry info:
- Mental health:
- Psychologists – CERN Medical Service. This webpage contains information about how to make an appointment with a CERN psychologist. It also includes information on a guided breathing exercise for relaxation, and links to CERN Bulletin articles on mental health.