23–29 Oct 2022
Sicily, italy
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Estimation of the spatial diffusion coefficient of Heavy Quarks in light of Gribov-Zwanziger action

25 Oct 2022, 17:00
Sicily, italy

Sicily, italy

Arathena Rocks Hotel, Via Calcide Eubea, 55, 98035 Giardini Naxos ME, Italy


Najmul Haque (NISER, India)


The heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient $\kappa$ is one of the most important ingredients for the Langevin description of the heavy quark dynamics. In the temperature regime relevant for the heavy ion collision phenomenology, a substantial difference exists between the lattice estimations of $\kappa$ and the corresponding leading order (LO) result from the hard thermal loop (HTL) perturbation theory. Moreover, the indication of poor convergence in the next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative analysis has motivated the development of several approaches to incorporate the non-perturbative effects in the heavy quark phenomenology. In this talk, I will discuss the results for the non-perturbative estimation of the temperature dependence of the heavy quark diffusion coefficient in a gluonic plasma based on the Gribov-Zwanziger prescription. The gluon propagator, in this framework, depends on the Gribov mass parameter, whose temperature dependence has been obtained by solving the one loop gap equation originating from the horizon condition. Incorporating this modified gluon propagator in the leading order analysis, we find a reasonable agreement with the existing lattice estimates of $\kappa$ within the model uncertainties, which, in our case, essentially arises from the non-perturbative running coupling adopted from lattice simulation.

Primary author

Najmul Haque (NISER, India)

Presentation materials