IRIS-HEP Fellows Introductory Presentations


IRIS-HEP Fellows Lightning Talks June 15, 2022



    • 18:00 19:00
      Fellows Projects "Lightning" Talks 1h
      • Maya Wallach - Machine Learning Methods for Event Classification in The Active-Target Time Projection Chamber 5m
        Speaker: Maya Wallach
      • Zijun Wang - Exploring the FAIR principles for preservation of UFO models 5m
        Speaker: Zijun Wang (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
      • Ziyang Ye - Add network measuring to data federation caches 5m
        Speaker: Ziyang Ye
      • Zoe Bilodeau - Fast Integration of Poisson Distributions for Dead Sensor Marginalization 5m
        Speaker: Zoë Bilodeau (Princeton University (US))
      • Jake Li - ServiceX Dashboard 5m
        Speaker: Jake Li
      • Elliott Kauffman - Adapting PV-Finder to the CMS and ATLAS Experiments 5m
        Speaker: Elliott Kauffman (Princeton University (US))
      • Haoran Sun - Enabling support for MiniAOD Transformer for ServiceX Data Delivery Service 5m
        Speaker: Haoran Sun (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
      • Peter Ridolfi - Designing and implementing a converting tool for statistical models between pyhf and CMS combine 5m
        Speaker: Peter Ridolfi
      • Saransh Chopra - Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks 5m
        Speaker: Saransh Chopra (Princeton University (US))
      • Benjamin Kuchma - Algorithms for electron reconstruction in a Muon Collider 5m
        Speaker: Benjamin Troy Kuchma (University of Massachusetts (US))
      • Anni Li - Conditional Generation of High-Energy Particle Collisions with Graph Networks 5m
        Speaker: Anni Li
      • Scott Demarest - Enable Dask Interoperability with xrootd-acessible storage systems 5m
        Speaker: Scott Joseph Demarest (Florida Institute of Technology (US))