Jun 23 – 24, 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone


General information

The Workshop is organized by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna). The Workshop will be held on June 23‒24, 2022 in Dubna, Russia.

The meetings will be hosted by the JINR International Conference Hall in hybrid mode, participants are invited to be personal involved and can participate virtually via Zoom.

A total of about 60 participants are expected to take part in the Workshop. The working language is Russian.


Workshop Goals

The Workshop is dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of JINR participation in Dimuon Physics Program within the CMS Experiment at the LHC (CERN).

The main topics of the workshop are focused on New Physics (New Symmetries, Extended Higgs Sector, Dark Matter, Extra Dimensions, etc), Precision Tests of the Standard Model, Future Physics beyond the LHC.

The Workshop will include two days of main sessions with a wide participation of students. The jubilee session "10th Anniversary of the Higgs Boson Discovery"  is foressen.