CMS Guides:
Sonia Natale
Sonia studied Physics at the University of Rome « La Sapienza » and is CERN based since her Bachelor’s Degree. She spent one year at Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) and then she moved to the University of Geneva - DPNC, obtaining her PhD in Particle Physics.
She is a physics researcher, and is an expert in experimental astro-particle physics, silicon detectors and related laser devices. She contributed to the construction and commissioning of the AMS-02 experiment on the NASA International Space Station during her research activity at CERN (UniGe, RWTH, MIT).
She is also a scientific communication speaker involved in several CERN public outreach events and CERN focused programmes (National and International Teachers Training Programmes, National and International Masterclasses, Laboratory sessions as S’Cool Lab). She is a member of several juries and selection committees for Physics competitions for students (CERN BL4S, SYPT, IYPT) and for teachers (CERN « I vostri successi »). Currently involved in the organisation of the first Science and Communication Hackathon event at CERN being part of the organisation Committee.
Adelina Lintuluoto
Adelina Lintuluoto is a a member of the CMS Collaboration and a doctoral student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Her subject area is applied physics and she is currently working on improving the precise calibration of physics objects in a technique referred to as data scouting. Data scouting allows information from particle collisions to be collected at a much higher rate than is normally achievable with the CMS trigger system. This technique allows physicists to search for particles and their interaction in regions which were previously unexplored at CERN. She is looking forward to working with her supervisory team to define her specific research question in the coming months.
CMS virtual visits technical experts:
Noemi Beni
Zoltan Szillasi
Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics
During the last 20 years, they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS
Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.