Marko Mikuz
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
The Horizon Europe project EURO-LABS will provide Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures (RI) for users from the Nuclear and Particle Physics communities. It comprises three pillars: Nuclear Physics, HEP Accelerators and HEP Detectors.
HEP Detectors RI's should be of vital interest to RD50. The RI's are grouped into 3 tasks dealing with Detector Characterization, Test Beams and Irradiations. The slate of RI's matches that in the TA od AIDA/AIDA2020, with increased budget in terms of Access Units and a few new facilities added.
The project will start on September 1st with a duration of 4 years.
Marko Mikuz
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))