Nov 17 – 19, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


A registration fee of 120 Euros will be charged to participants attending in-person the Workshop. Online attendance is also possible (free of charge). A double registration is required for in-person participants: here in indico, while the payment is managed by the ADEIT.


A link to connect online to the Workshop will be provided to participants.

The in-person workshop will be held at the ADEIT conference centre located at the heart of Valencia city.

The registration is a 2 step process:

1) Indico registration for all the participants (online and in-person),

2) Payment via the ADEIT Organization (via Credit Card or Bank Transfer) for in-person participants. Your registration will not be completed until the payment form is filled out as well. The online payment form must be completed in addition to indico form at ADEIT webpage :

Travel, accommodation and additional information

Useful information about the travel, accommodation, venue and some other additional information can be found under the tab Local information.

Videoconference information

All the information required to connect online to the Workshop sessions is under the tab Videoconference information (access restricted to registered persons).

Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001 Valencia, Spain