At FYLA we create and commercialize leading Ultrafast fiber laser technology by joining Singularity, Quality and Profitability for our Clients and Stakeholders. From Science to Industry, FYLA´s lasers have a direct impact on a wide range of application from Lifescience, Semiconductor Inspection and Optical Communications.
FYLA will contribute to the RD50 Workshop both with a stand and a technical presentation. Some of you already know their products since their laser systems are used in several E-TCT and TPA-TCT setups in several RD50 Institutes.
If you are interested in visiting FYLA´s facilities on Friday 19th , please write us ( and book your entrance for the FYLA visit. The R&D team from FYLA will explain how our lasers are built and will show visitor how they work.
Transport to FYLA is included and places are limited to 20.