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One-day IOP workshop on prospects of fiducial cross-section measurements and reinterpretations as a component of searches and measurements at LHC

FULTON A (University of Sussex)


University of Sussex

BN1 9QH Falmer
Batool Safarzadeh Samani (University of Sussex (GB)), Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB)), Jonas Lindert (University of Sussex (GB)), Josh McFayden (University of Sussex), Kate Shaw (University of Sussex (GB))

Instructions to reach the Sussex campus are available at this page

Attached to the indico page there is a university campus map. Fulton A is one of the two large lecture theatres in the Fulton building. 

  • Andrea Banfi
  • Balasubramaniam K. M.
  • Batool Safarzadeh Samani
  • Ben Bruers
  • Christian Gutschow
  • Claudia Merlassino
  • Daniel Gillies
  • Daniel Litim
  • Daniele Zanzi
  • Eleonora Loiacono
  • Fabrizio Salvatore
  • Gudrun Hiller
  • Iacopo Vivarelli
  • Jonas Lindert
  • Jonathan Butterworth
  • Josh McFayden
  • Joshua Davies
  • Judita Mamuzic
  • Kate Shaw
  • Krzysztof Rolbiecki
  • Lorenzo Mai
  • Marco Rimoldi
  • mark Sutton
  • Martin Habedank
  • Merve Nazlim Agaras
  • Monica Dunford
  • Sarah Louise Williams
  • Shalini Epari
  • Snigdho Chakraborty
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Tom Stevenson
  • Tomasz Procter
  • Yoran Yeh
Unfolding Workshop
Zoom Meeting ID
Batool Safarzadeh Samani
Useful links
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Zoom URL
    • 10:30 11:00
      Reception 30m
    • 11:00 11:45
      Unfolding overview and Contur package 45m
      Speaker: Jonathan Butterworth (UCL)
    • 11:45 12:00
      Discussion 15m
    • 12:00 12:30
      Overview talk on Rivet 30m
      Speaker: Dr Christian Gutschow (UCL)
    • 12:30 13:00
      SM measurements as a discovery tool (remote) 30m
      Speaker: Monica Dunford (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
    • 13:00 14:00
    • 14:00 14:30
      Overview talk on Checkmate (remote) 30m
      Speakers: Krzysztof Rolbiecki (Warsaw University), Dr Krzysztof Rolbiecki (University of Warsaw)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Multilepton signatures of vector-like leptons 30m
      Speaker: Daniel Litim (University of Sussex)
    • 15:00 15:45
      Possible BSM explanations for the g-2 anomaly (remote) 45m
      Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))
    • 15:45 16:05
      Discussion & Coffee break 20m
    • 16:05 16:35
      Precision Monte Carlos for multi-boson processes 30m
      Speakers: Dr Jonas Lindert (University of Sussex), Jonas Lindert (University of Sussex)
    • 16:35 16:55
      WW unfolding in a SUSY-inspired phase space 20m
      Speaker: Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))
    • 16:55 17:15
      WZ unfolding in a SUSY-inspired phase space 20m
      Speaker: Batool Safarzadeh Samani (University of Sussex (GB))