21–22 Dec 2022
Central Building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Europe/Athens timezone

Partonic Structure from Lattice QCD

21 Dec 2022, 12:15
Amphitheater Alkis Argyriadis (Central Building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Amphitheater Alkis Argyriadis

Central Building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

30 Panepistimiou, 10679, Athens


Kostas Orginos


Webex meeting recording: Kostas Orginos
Password: Xmas2022
Recording link: https://uoa.webex.com/uoa/ldr.php?RCID=e7fe1c7fda485501aaaffef3b6d806de

Presentation materials