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Dedicated TREX- New ZDC/RPD inside TANA


Dedicated TREX- New ZDC/RPD inside TANA

- Eventual Need for ARR/ECR/layout modifications  

- Storage of the detectors after the Run (not enough space in the existing ZDC sarcophagi)

- Installation w/ slight shift (4-5cm) of the BRAN on Arm 1-2

- Eventual safety check – clearance of the HV connections on the detector

    • 14:30 15:30
      Discussion 1h
      • Eventual Need for ARR/ECR/layout modifications
      • Storage of the detectors after the Run (not enough space in the existing ZDC sarcophagi)
      • Installation w/ slight shift (4-5cm) of the BRAN on Arm 1-2
      • Eventual safety check – clearance of the HV connections on the detector
      Speaker: Riccardo Longo (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))