11:30 AM
Introduction of the multipurpose instrument Meter ZD1301A
Arpad Bordas
11:30 AM
Diving into Quantum Physics: Challenging the Constraints of Knowledge Transfer Through Engaging School Lab Units
Manuel Schleicher
11:30 AM
CREDO-edu programme for schools – our way to introduce kids to modern physics and engage in scientific research.
Melania Deresz
(Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
11:30 AM
The laws of physics taught through their application - not as difficult as they seem.
Hanna Kościelny
(Aviation Education Centre Krakow Airport)
11:30 AM
Factors of quality of physics demonstrations
Alexandr Nikitin
(Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)
11:40 AM
High School Teachers’ Perspectives on Teaching Quantum Physics – Questionnaire Design
Jana Legerská
(Department of Physics Education, Faculty od Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)
11:40 AM
Field game about Mad Scientist - learning physics through fun.
Karolina Guśtak
(Aviation Education Centre)
11:40 AM
Weekend Lab Challenges bring physics learning from the laboratory into everyday life
Shinjiro OGAWA
(WASEDA University High School)
11:40 AM
Surveying teachers’ readiness to incorporate digital technologies in inquiry-based laboratories: the development of a tool and initial findings
Marta Carli
11:50 AM
Bridging the Gaps: How physics teachers in Slovakia utilize non-formal resources for astronomy education
Tünde Kozánek Kiss
11:50 AM
Developing Pupil's Ideas related to the Concept of Force in the 1st Year of Gymnasium
Silvia Novotná
11:50 AM
Novel technologies as facilitators of learning process - inspirational examples from Aviation Education Center Krakow Airport
Daniel Dziob
(Aviation Education Centre Kraków Airport)
11:50 AM
CLImate change teachers’ acaDEMY (CLIMADEMY)
Chara Bitsaki
Emily Michailidi
(University of Crete)
11:50 AM
CERN Science Gateway – New Education Labs
Julia Woithe
12:00 PM
Teacher professional development on properties of matter in primay education
Alessandra De Angelis
(PER Unit, University of Udine)
12:00 PM
Construction of flying machines as introduction to basic physics for young students
Monika Trojanowska
(Aviation Education Centre Kraków Airport)
12:00 PM
The effect of teaching Physics using the Flipped Classroom model on students’ domains included in the Integrated Taxonomy
Gergő Sipka
12:00 PM
Probing students’ estimates of astronomical sizes and distances
Willem Keppens
12:10 PM
Results of an Active methodology proposal for learning Physics: Experimental stations in the classroom for the investigative learning of Sound concepts in the 8th grade
Telma Esperança
(universidade de coimbra)
12:10 PM
Developing new habits for Physics teachers through Creative Ateliers
Valentina Bologna
12:10 PM
Physical pendulum experiment and HTML5 simulation
Arpad Bordas
12:10 PM
Development of a Multiple Choice-test on Newtonian Mechanics for the lower secondary level
Kerstin Lindmaier
(Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
12:20 PM
Investigating the Nature of Science with Zeno’s paradox
Pasquale Onorato
(University of Trento)
12:20 PM
Transformative Interactive Experience at Specola Margherita Hack for Enhanced Public Engagement in Astronomy
Marco Citossi
12:20 PM
A Computational Modelling in Secondary Physics Teaching as an Example of the Implementation of the Concept of STEM Education
Oktawia Koc
12:20 PM
Development of a teaching concept on the subject of “sound propagation” based on a transmitter-receiver-model
Tanja Lehr
12:30 PM
Translating a Concept Inventory into English – The Case of the CCCI-442
Claudia Haagen-Schützenhöfer
12:30 PM
Using Mobile Apps for Physics Teaching and Learning
Ana Mgeladze
(Ilia State University)
12:30 PM
A simplified approach with FFT and smartphone in high school physics
Eugenio Tufino
(University of Trento, Physics department)
12:30 PM
Early findings on how upper-secondary students use chatbots in learning science
Marie Snětinová
(Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)
12:40 PM
An Italian university network for the professional development of teachers in physics
Marisa Michelini
12:40 PM
Enhancing Secondary School Physics Teachers' Understanding of Quantum Concepts and Pedagogical Strategies Through Professional Learning Networks
Kirsten Stadermann
12:40 PM
Lab2Go: a project for fostering interest in laboratory in different contexts
Vera Montalbano
(University of Siena)
12:40 PM
Instructing high school students in a teaching-learning sequence on the physical basis of the greenhouse effect: preliminary results
Stefano Toffaletti
(Physical Science Communication Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Via Sommarive, 38050 Povo (Trento), Italy)
12:40 PM
COOL IT: A Digital Game on the Greenhouse Effect for Physics Education
Ingrid Graz
(Johannes Kepler University)
Raffael Lucas Maxian
12:50 PM
Biomechanical Analysis in Rowing: Determining Pace with Autocorrelation
12:50 PM
Results of a Galilean Physics-of-motion Teaching Case Study
Vincenzo Cioci
(Naples Section of the Italian Association for the Teaching of Physics - Liceo Scientifico "F. Sbordone" in Naples)
12:50 PM
Active In-Service Training on Transversal Skills: Two Pilot Cases in STEM Disciplinary Teaching
Vera Montalbano
(University of Siena)
12:50 PM
Support models for simulation-based inquiry learning of the photoelectric effect
Cathy Baars
12:50 PM
Qualitative analysis of high school and university textbooks on thermodynamics and statistical physics
Tomáš Blovský
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)
12:50 PM
Integrating sustainability into secondary school teacher training: a multidisciplinary approach to promote active learning and behavioural engagement
Camilla Fiorello