Jun 28 – 29, 2025
Leiden University, Gorlaeus building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

GIREP Summer School, Leiden, The Netherlands

The inaugural GIREP Summer School will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands just before the GIREP-EPEC 2025 Conference. It is organized by the International Research Group on Physics Teaching – GIREP [Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Enseignement de la Physique] and two institutes at Leiden University: the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) and the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON).

The GIREP 2025 SUMMER SCHOOL is a PER-specific venue that aims to open opportunities for developing community among researchers. The programme is planned from Saturday lunchtime until Sunday evening.

The summer school will consist of the following types of sessions:

  • Five 90-min working-group sessions in each of which a PhD student, in turns, presents their work-in-progress, either in the form of a 45-minute presentation, or in the form of a 15-minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of workshop activities anchored in participant artifacts (e.g., bottom-up analysis of interview transcripts; analysis of respondents’ data with a coding scheme, etc.). The remainder of each 90-minute session will be devoted to discussion with junior and expert researchers focused on presenters’ dilemmas. Working groups will include 5 PhD students in the middle of their studies (after proposal, before final defence) and more senior researchers. Ground rules and norms will serve to ensure a safe place to discuss dilemmas of PER practice. 
  • A synthesis session in which participants from different groups will meet in roundtables to reflect on their experience
  • A plenary workshop focused on educational research practices
  • An invited session

The approximate cost per participant is estimated to be about 200-250 Euro. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided.

This is the inaugural Summer School in PER. All PhD student applicants will be guaranteed admission as long as they a) have at least second-year standing in their PhD studies and have passed the PhD proposal stage; b) are no closer than nine months away from submitting PhD dissertation; c) submit the application materials which are described below; and d) meet the application deadline. 

The application materials for PhD students is described here.

The application process for non-PhD students (i.e., supervisors of PhD student participants or other researchers) is described here.

Supervisors of PhD students are most encouraged to attend the Summer School and their acceptance is automatic. Confirmation of acceptance for other researchers will be emailed in mid-March.

Registration is not yet open: see important dates.

The conference venue: Gorlaeus building, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Leiden University, Gorlaeus building
Einsteinweg 55 2333 CC Leiden https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/locations/gorlaeus-building#tab-1
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Chairpersons: Edit Yerushalmi, Stamatis Vokos

Email: summerschool@girep.org

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.