Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Twelfth workshop of the LLP Community



Sai Neha Santpur, Audrey Kvam (University of Massachusetts (US)), Karri Folan Di Petrillo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Lisa Benato (Hamburg University (DE)), Mason Proffitt (University of Washington (US)), Carlos Vazquez Sierra (CERN), Cristián Peña (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Federico Leo Redi (CERN), Albert De Roeck (CERN), James Beacham (Duke University (US)), José Francisco Zurita (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)), Matthew Citron (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))

-------------- LLP12 --------------

The twelfth LLP Community workshop will occur from 31 October to 4 November, 2022! It will be the last fully virtual LLP community workshop. (For the first day, Monday, only, if you're at CERN and you'd like to join a few of us in the Main Auditorium, feel free.)

The workshop will take place in the afternoons, Switzerland time, from 14h to about 18h or 18:30.

(N.B.: This is the week when Europe has switched away from summer time but North America has not.)

Please join us for the hottest-and-latest in LLPs around the globe.

Previous workshops can be found here.


We'd also like to understand your preferences for future community workshops! Would you prefer to have workshops 1x or 2x per year? Would you prefer they are held at CERN or outside locations? Let us know what you think in this google poll!



Registration for the twelfth workshop of the LLP Community
Zoom Meeting ID
James Beacham
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL