European Course of Cryogenics 2022

from Sunday 14 August 2022 (09:00) to Saturday 3 September 2022 (11:00)
Twente (Waaier 3)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
14 Aug 2022
15 Aug 2022
16 Aug 2022
17 Aug 2022
18 Aug 2022
19 Aug 2022
20 Aug 2022
21 Aug 2022
22 Aug 2022
23 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022
25 Aug 2022
26 Aug 2022
27 Aug 2022
29 Aug 2022
30 Aug 2022
31 Aug 2022
1 Sept 2022
2 Sept 2022
09:00 Welcome / Organisation - Johannes Doll (TU Dresden) Julian Will (Technische Universität Dresden) Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (MOL 213)
09:30 Definition and History of Cryogenics - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (MOL 213)
11:00 Physics and Chemistry of Hydrogen - Prof. Heine   (MOL 213)
09:00 Industrial Cryogenic Plants - Dr R. Soika (Linde Kryotechnik AG)   (MOL 213)
11:00 H2 Applications and Development - Dr Töpler (DWV)   (MOL 213)
09:00 Linde Technology for Sustainable Gas Processing & Energy Solutions - K. Ohlig (Linde Gas, Munich)   (MOL 213)
11:00 Cryogenic Engineering - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (MOL 213)
07:30 Excursion Leuna   ()
09:00 Cryostat Design - Prof. John WEISEND (ESS)   (MOL 213)
11:00 Cryogenic Instrumentation - Prof. John WEISEND (ESS)   (MOL 213)
09:00 --- Freetime (Dresden experience) ---
09:00 --- Bus transfer to Twente ---
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
08:45 Welcome and organisational matters - Twente Week - Srinivas Vanapalli Prof. Jennifer Herek (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
09:05 Brief history of cryogenics and superconductivity in Twente - Srinivas Vanapalli (University of Twente) Marcel ter Brake (University of Twente, The Netherlands)   (Waaier 3)
09:30 Helium refrigeration and liquefaction: A reminder - Guy GISTAU BAGUER   (Waaier 3)
10:15 Helium refrigeration and liquefaction: A light theory of heat exchangers - Guy GISTAU BAGUER   (Waaier 3)
11:15 Helium refrigeration and liquefaction: Basic cycles - Guy GISTAU BAGUER   (Waaier 3)
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
08:45 Superfluid helium as a technical coolant - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR))   (Waaier 3)
11:00 Design of a cryostat for a superfluid-helium cooled accelerator magnet - The LHC case - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR))   (Waaier 3)
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
08:45 Cryocooler basics - Srinivas Vanapalli   (Waaier 3)
10:45 Low power Stirling Cryocoolers - Daniel Willems (Thales Cryogenics BV)   (Waaier)
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
08:45 Tutorial - Srinivas Vanapalli   (Waaier 3)
10:00 Cryogenics in superconducting applications - Marc Dhallé (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
08:45 Cryogenics for the Einstein (Path Finder) Telescope - Steffen Grohmann   (Waaier 3)
10:45 Sorption compressors - Marcel ter Brake (University of Twente, The Netherlands)   (Waaier 3)
07:15 --- Breakfast ---
09:00 Travel to Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol)   (Waaier 3)
09:00 Welcome and introduction - Prof. Armin Hafner Trygve Eikevik   (C201)
11:00 University Campus Tour - Muhammad Zahid Saeed   ()
10:00 LNG onshore distribution - Martin Lansky   (C201)
11:00 Small LNG liquefiers - Martin Lansky   (C201)
09:00 Gas pre-treatment - Prof. Even Solbraa   (C201)
11:00 Liquefaction processes and cryogenic heat exchangers - Prof. Petter Nekså   (C201)
09:00 LH2 safety aspects / Superconductivity - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (C201)
11:00 Wrap up and exam relevant aspects - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (C201)
09:00 Exam self preparation   (C201)
15:00 --- Arrival and Registration at Hostel ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Cryogenic Fluids/Refrigeration - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (MOL 213)
16:15 Tutorial   (MOL 213)
17:00 --- City Tour and welcome dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 H2 Applications and Development - Dr Töpler (DWV)   (MOL 213)
15:30 Cryogenic Engineering - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (MOL 213)
19:00 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Cryogenic Engineering - Prof. Christoph Haberstroh   (Mol 213)
16:15 Tutorial   (MOL 213)
19:00 --- Dinner ---
19:00 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Cryogenic Laboratory - Christoph Haberstroh (Prof) Henrik Bischoff (TU Dresden) Thomas Just (TU Dresden) Sebastian Eisenhut (TU Dresden) Julian Will (Technische Universität Dresden) Johannes Doll (TU Dresden)   (MOL 110)
18:00 --- Farewell Barbecue ---
18:00 --- Dinner and evening activity ---
12:00 Helium refrigeration and liquefaction: Helium purification - Guy GISTAU BAGUER   (Waaier 3)
12:45 --- Lunch ---
13:45 Helium refrigeration and liquefaction: Technology of components - Guy GISTAU BAGUER   (Waaier 3)
15:30 Helium liquefier visit - Mr Sander Wessel (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
18:00 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Cryogenic safety - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR))   (Waaier 3)
14:45 Helium resources - Christoph Haberstroh (TU Dresden)   (Waaier 3)
16:15 Dilution refrigerator - Daan Wielens (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
18:00 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Lab practise (in groups) - Abhishek Purandare (University of Twente) Dr Pankaj Sagar (University of Twente) Mr Bas Pellen (University of Twente) Srinivas Vanapalli Mr Sander Wessel (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
18:00 --- Dinner ---
20:00 Social program   (Close to the football stadium)
12:00 Applied Physics Educational Program at University of Twente - Dr Sissi de Beer (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Lab visit (Cryogenics | Superconducitvity | Quantum) - Dr Daan Wielens (University of Twente) Srinivas Vanapalli Mr Sander wessel (University of Twente)   (Waaier 3)
17:30 --- Dinner and city tour ---
12:00 WEKA COMPANY Presentation - Karolina Dziewiecka (WEKA)   (Waaier 3)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Cryogenic Multiphase Heat and Mass Transfer - Srinivas Vanapalli   (Waaier 3)
15:30 Cryogenic thermal insulation - Jaroslaw Polinski (Wroclaw University of Technology)   (Waaier 3)
16:15 Vacuum Techniques - Jaroslaw Polinski (Wroclaw University of Technology)   (Waaier 3)
17:00 Closing - Srinivas Vanapalli   (Waaier 3)
17:30 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Natural gas and LNG introduction and overview - Prof. Petter Nekså   (C201)
15:30 LNG safety - Dr Geir Owren   (C201)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Applications and logistics of small-scale LNG - Martin Lansky   (C201)
15:30 LNG for vehicle and ship fuelling - Martin Lansky   (C201)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Liquefaction processes for base load LNG - Prof. Petter Nekså   (C201)
15:30 LNG storage and loading systems, LNG ships and receiving terminals - Prof. Petter Nekså   (C201)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Lab tour - Inge Håvard Rekstad Armin Hafner Muhammad Zahid Saeed   ()
12:30 Exam   (Sentralbygg 2: S6)