You may now submit your contributions, please refer to below:
Dear Presenter,
As foreseen, we are pleased to confirm that the proceedings of CHATS-AS 2011 will appear as a special issue of Cryogenics, and C. Marinucci has agreed to act as a guest editor.
Papers submitted for publication will be treated as regular articles, i.e. will undergo the usual peer reviewing and editing cycle. Instructions for the preparation of the manuscript are available at:
Note that to maintain the size of the special issue within a manageable number of pages we have set an upper limit of 15 pages for the manuscript, including figures and tables.
Submission will take place through the electronic editing system:
and no paper version are due. Finally, we are targeting an appearance of the special issue in early 2012, which is a tight objective. We hence require that the manuscript is submitted no later than November 13th, 2011 to allow sufficient time for reviewing, revising, editorial decision and typesetting.
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