Site Reports
- philippe olivero (CC-IN2P3)
- Alan Silverman (CERN)
Site Reports
- philippe olivero (CC-IN2P3)
- Alan Silverman (CERN)
Site Reports
- Alan Silverman (CERN)
- philippe olivero (CC-IN2P3)
Site Reports
- philippe olivero (CC-IN2P3)
- Alan Silverman (CERN)
Keith Chadwick
02/05/2011, 10:15
Site Reports
The Fermilab site report for the Spring 2011 HEPiX
Manfred Alef
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
02/05/2011, 10:35
Site Reports
Current status and latest news at GridKa, e.g.:
- Hardware status
- Batch system issues
- CPU performance
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)-Unknown-Unknown)
02/05/2011, 11:55
Site Reports
Computing at DESY news
Randy Melen
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
02/05/2011, 12:35
Site Reports
Update on activities at SLAC
philippe olivero
03/05/2011, 09:15
Site Reports
I'll present a short update of the CC-In2p3 Site-report, specifying the main changes occured since last hepix.
Gang Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP))
03/05/2011, 09:30
Site Reports
Report of status of computing system of IHEP
Mattias Wadenstein
03/05/2011, 09:45
Site Reports
Site update from NDGF, recent developments, neat things, etc.
Andrey Shevel
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI))
03/05/2011, 10:00
Site Reports
It is planned to describe the updated status for the computing infrastructure of High Energy Physics Division (HEPD): LAN (400 hosts), mail service for the Institute, other centralized servers, computing cluster. A number of updated topics is observed: security and SPAM, cluster virtualization, WiFi, video conferences.
Tina Friedrich
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
03/05/2011, 10:15
Site Reports
Overview of computing systems at Diamond, including current status and planned future developments.
Ofer Rind
03/05/2011, 10:30
A report on the current status of the RHIC/ATLAS Computing Facility at BNL with an emphasis on developments and updates since the last Fall Hepix meeting.
Derek Feichtinger
03/05/2011, 11:30
Site Reports
Site report for the Paul Scherrer Institut.