10–11 Nov 2022
Lancaster University, UK
Europe/London timezone

Automated Network Services for Exascale Data Movement

11 Nov 2022, 09:00
Private Dining Room, County South Building (Lancaster University, UK)

Private Dining Room, County South Building

Lancaster University, UK


Diego Davila Foyo (Univ. of California San Diego (US))


As distributed scientific collaborations reach the Exabyte scale, moving data becomes more challenging and thus, the capacity of managing priorities among the different transfer requests over the network becomes a necessity.
Using network services to build bandwidth guaranteed paths and fixed routes can be used to prioritize transfer requests.
We have built a system that creates such priority paths on demand triggered by the insertion of rules in Rucio.


Diego Davila Foyo (Univ. of California San Diego (US))

Presentation materials