10–11 Nov 2022
Lancaster University, UK
Europe/London timezone

Championing Scientific Data Management: Rucio and the ESCAPE project experience

10 Nov 2022, 10:30
Private Dining Room, County South Building (Lancaster University, UK)

Private Dining Room, County South Building

Lancaster University, UK


Xavier Espinal (CERN)


The computing needs of Research Infrastructures is rapidly evolving, glimpsing a challenging future involving experiments, facilities and service providers. The ESCAPE project acted as an anchor for diverse scientific communities to address next generation distributed computing needs, including Data Management and Data Access. ESCAPE provided a fully working framework (Data Lake) fostering cross-fertilisation and knowledge transfer to address arising needs in DOMA. Rucio as a High level Data Management System is at the core of the framework, being evaluated and adopted broadly within the RIs involved in ESCAPE. This talk will provide a summary of the project, its goals and achievements and a forward look to the future.


Presentation materials