10–11 Nov 2022
Lancaster University, UK
Europe/London timezone

Multi-VO Rucio

10 Nov 2022, 14:30
Private Dining Room, County South Building (Lancaster University, UK)

Private Dining Room, County South Building

Lancaster University, UK


Timothy John Noble (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))


Multi-Vo Rucio allows a single instance of Rucio serve several VOs. Each VO is separated into its own namespace, providing complete separation between the VOs data, and each VO with their own customisability with policy packages.

Work is underway to ensure Multi-VO capabilities for the new WebUI, and integration with DIRAC workflow management software.
The Multi-VO instance of Rucio is also in a transition phase moving it to a Kubernetes deployment.


Timothy John Noble (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))


Presentation materials