In this talk we are going to describe the operational and conceptual design of the bulk archive management system involved in prototyping activities of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) Bulk Archive. This particular archive in the CTA Observatory will take care of storage and management of the lower data level products coming from the Cherenkov telescopes, incuding their cameras, auxiliary subsystems and simulations. Scientific raw data produced from the two CTAO telescope sites, one in the Northern hemisphere and the second in the Southern, will be transferred to four off-site data centers where they will be accessed and automatically reduced to higher level data products. This Archive system will provide a set of tools based on the OAIS (Open Archive) standards, including a data transfer system, a general and replicated catalog to be queried, an easy interface to retrieve and access data as well as a customized and versatile data organization depending on the user requirements. With our partners we identified RUCIO as the best framework candidate to provide a basis for such features and archival services to meet according to the CTA Observatory Requirements.