Directed and elliptic flow have been extensively studied in heavy-ion collisions while triangular flow ($v_3$) could be further explored. $v_3$ could prove very useful as a signal for Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formation due to its sensitivity to QGP viscosity and the possibility that it is less affected by transport dynamics at very low energies [1]. In this talk, we will present the current progress of $v_3$ for $\pi$, $p$, $d$, and $t$ at the fixed target energy of $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 3.0$ GeV, which is the lowest in phase-II of the Beam Energy Scan at STAR. The results show a positive correlation between $v_3$ and the first-order event plane and a significant rapidity-odd $v_3$ for p. Model comparisons are also made to investigate whether a mean-field potential is required to develop this triangular flow.
[1] J. Auvinen and H. Petersen. Evolution of elliptic and triangular flow as a function of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ in a hybrid model. Phys. Rev. C, 88:064908, 2013.