Predictions for the QCD equation of state across the phase diagram are made using Bayesian inference techniques within the holographic gauge/gravity correspondence. For that, we employ a Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton (EMD) model capable of reproducing the latest lattice QCD results at zero and finite baryon density, known to predict a high-density critical endpoint. For the first time, we numerically find the posterior probability distribution for holographic model parameters from the lattice data at zero chemical potential, and extract their most likely values. This is possible thanks to new numerical developments which, by boosting the performance of our calculations, allow us to sample a large number of fits to the data via Monte Carlo methods. Thus, we find the maximum a posteriori estimate for the location of the critical point, as well as estimates for the corresponding statistical error bands. We determine the linear combination of model parameters which is the most relevant for these uncertainties and investigate its role for the equation of state at lower densities. Finally, we compare competing parametrizations of the EMD model and discuss systematic uncertainties.