Critical Point - 4
- Marlene Nahrgang (Subatech)
The structure factor ($\mathcal{S}_{nn}\,(k,\omega)$) of dynamical density fluctuation is studied in the presence of the out-of-equilibrium modes ($\phi$) within the scope of relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. The $\mathcal{S}_{nn}\,(k,\omega)$ without the $\phi$ modes shows three peaks of Lorentzian types, identified as one Rayleigh peak and two Brillouin peaks, symmetrically situated about...
In this talk we demonstrate that the early stages of the bottom-up thermalization scenario [1] are well described by the adiabatic hydrodynamization framework. All of the qualitative features exhibited in QCD effective kinetic theory (EKT) simulations at weak coupling [2] are captured by the emergence of an effective low-energy instantaneous ground state for the 1-particle gluon distribution...