9:00 AM
9:05 AM
The Quantum Landscape - Keynote
Grégoire Ribordy
(ID Quantique)
9:35 AM
The ATIQ project: collaborative development of trapped-ion quantum computers
Celeste Torkzaban
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover (DE))
9:55 AM
Developing instrumentation for Quantum Computers
Moritz Kirste
(Zurich Instruments)
10:15 AM
Ion traps and the road to fault tolerant quantum computing
Cornelius Hempel
(Paul Scherrer Institut / ETH Zurich)
11:00 AM
Trapped ions quantum computing – challenges and perspectives
Anna Kaminska
(Creotech Instruments S.A.)
11:20 AM
Analog quantum computing: from the lab to the industry
Marta Estarellas
11:40 AM
What’s so special about diamonds?
Mark Mattingley-Scott
(Quantum Brilliance)
12:00 PM
PASQAL neutral atom arrays processors and their applications
Louis Vignoli
12:20 PM
The potential of quantum computing for drug development
Marielle van de Pol
(F. Hoffmann - La Roche)
12:40 PM
A quantum-inspired tool for bridging the NISQ ERA
Simone Montangero
(Padova University)
2:00 PM
Measuring brain function using quantum sensors - ONLINE TALK
Matthew Brookes
(CERCA Magnetics)
2:20 PM
Intel Quantum SDK: A Platform for Efficient Execution of Variational Algorithms
Gian Giacomo Guerreschi
2:40 PM
Quantum vs classical: assessing quantum advantage
Thomas Ayral