Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

23–25 Feb 2011
Roma La Sapienza
Europe/Zurich timezone

General Info

Place and access

 The workshop is hosted by INFN Roma and held in the campus of Universita' di Roma la Sapienza. You can find information how to reach us  here.
 The meeting will be in Sala Direzione INFN  in the building  G.Marconi(in this map the building "1" with "I.N.F.N." label)


A list of hotels near to the Campus (walking distance) is here

 We will provide coffee breaks but no meals. A vast number of restaurants are located in the area close to the Campus (S.Lorenzo). We will provide some suggestions.

Gianluca Cavoto
Tel: (+39) 06 4969 4249  or cell phone (+39) 347 41 32 386

Tel: (+41.22) 767.46.35