18–20 Dec 2022
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Diffractive Vector Meson production using Sartre with Machine Learning

19 Dec 2022, 11:15
Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527 (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016


Jaswant Singh (Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi)


We use Machine Learning with an event-generator (Sar$t$re) for
the process: $e \p\rightarrow e'\ p' \ V_M $, $e \ A\rightarrow e'\ A' \ V_M $ .
Sar$t$re uses 3-dimensional look-up tables to generate events
in which the first two moments of the Amplitude are stored. In eA collisions the generation of these lookup tables takes many months. I will present a method, using neural networks, which reduces the computing time by up to 90%. This will be important for doing simulations in the ongoing preparations for the electron-ion collider.


Jaswant Singh (Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi)


Presentation materials