First, we give a brief overview of the light-front dressed quark model, per se,
instead of a proton state, we use a simple composite spin-1/2 state that is a quark dressed with a gluon. It is a perturbative model and has gluonic degrees of freedom. Then we outline the formalism used to evaluate the gravitational
form factors (GFFs) of quarks and gluons in a dressed quark model. We use
the Hamiltonian framework and choose the light-front gauge such that the
two-component formalism eliminates the constraint fields. We calculate the
four GFFs and corroborate the sum rules that GFFs satisfy. Of the four GFFs,
the D-term as we know is not related to any Poincare generator so it
remains unconstrained. This D-term is attributed to information like
pressure, shear, and energy distributions. So, we analyze these
distributions for a quark state dressed with a gluon at one loop in QCD.