18–20 Dec 2022
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Nuclear matter study at sPHENIX experiment

19 Dec 2022, 16:30
Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527 (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Lecture Hall Complex, LH-527

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016


Charles Joseph Naim


We propose in this talk to investigate the QCD dynamics at sPHENIX experiment through two studies:

First, the internal jet structure study provides information about the hadronization process in non-perturbative QCD dynamics. The non-perturbative flavor correlation between pairs of leading and next-to-leading charged hadrons is proposed. The correlation ratio observable $r_{c}$ for protons, kaons and pions for various kinematic variables is investigated.

Second, the Drell-Yan (DY) process is also discussed as a probe of transport properties of the cold nuclear matter (CNM). The DY events extraction involves a precise knowledge of QCD background participating in the dilepton invariant mass spectrum. A fit of this one, including open-charm, open-bottom, charmonium and bottomonium simulations, is shown. CNM effects are investigated via the rapidity (y) and transverse momentum ($p_{\perp}$) distributions of the DY dilepton pair.

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