On October 1st 2022 the CERN Open Science Policy came in force. The policy has been developed by an organisation wide working group and contains nine chapters focusing on the different elements of Open Science. It is available here: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2835057
This presentation will briefly outline the background of the policy development, provide more details on the policy’s content...
MadAnalysis 5 is a framework for phenomenological investigations at particle colliders. Based on a C++ kernel, this program allows to efficiently perform, in a straightforward and user-friendly fashion, sophisticated physics analyses of event files such as those generated by a large class of Monte Carlo (MC) event generators. This talk will focus on recent developments in MadAnalysis'...
We report on new developments in SModelS, in particular the functionality of analyses combination introduced in v2.2.
I present the lessons learned as re-interpreters trying to reuse analyses centred on neural networks in the RIVET framework, using two recent ATLAS analyses -- SUSY and Exotics searches -- as examples. I survey the possible ways that an analysis team can preserve and publicise their neural network for future use, and provide a detailed examination of the ONNX and lwtnn preservation tools,...
I will discuss a recent CheckMATE implementation of ATLAS searches using MVA/BDT and NN methods.
Discussion of technical and conceptual questions around the publication and reuse of ML models for recasting. Time is indicative.
Searches for dark matter scattering in direct detection experiments are commonly reported for only a limited set of interactions and theory parameters. As experiments construct more complex analysis techniques with several analysis dimensions, approximating results for alternate signal models can become more difficult. In this presentation, I will review some typical direct detection...
Brief overview of the state of the field for publishing statistical models and setting the goals for the discussion.
Using GAMBIT, we show that present collider data is not only consistent with low-scale supersymmetry, but permits scenarios where the masses of all six neutralinos and charginos of the MSSM are well below a TeV. We constrain the $\tilde G$-EWMSSM -- the MSSM with an eV-scale gravitino as the lightest supersymmetric particle and the six electroweakinos as the only other light new states --...
The combination of LHC results is of great relevance if we want to obtain a deeper more comprehensive understanding of the data collected by the experiments. In practice, it would allow us to derive stronger limits on Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theories, and to perform searches for dispersed signals, as well searching for deviations from the Standard Model in the observed data. However, the...
We report recent developments in Analysis Description Language (ADL) and the runtime interpreter CutLang in view of (re)interpretation studies. We present an infrastructure setup dedicated to a large scale LHC analysis validation functionality and the ongoing collective efforts to implement and validate a number of LHC BSM searches. We also highlight several ongoing innovative core...
Full statistical models encapsulate the complete information of an experimental result, including the likelihood function given observed data. Their proper publication is of vital importance for a long lasting legacy of the LHC. Major steps have been taken towards this goal; a notable example being ATLAS release of statistical models with the pyhf framework. However, even the likelihoods are...
A trio of automated collider event analysis tools are described and demonstrated. AEACuS interfaces with the standard MadGraph/MadEvent, Pythia, and Delphes simulation chain, via the Root file output. An extensive algorithm library facilitates the computation of standard collider event variables and the transformation of object groups (including jet clustering and substructure analysis)....
A tutorial of a full reinterpretation pipeline using MaPyDe, with a reproduction pipeline by incorporating ATLAS SimpleAnalysis
We present a reinterpretation study of existing results from the CMS Collaboration, specifically, searches for light Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Higgs pairs produced in the chain decay $pp\to H_{\rm SM}\to hh(aa)$ into a variety of final states, in the context of the CP-conserving 2-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) Type-I. Through this, we test the LHC sensitivity to a possible new signature,...
High-$p_T$ tail observables at the LHC offer a complementary probe to low-energy experiments for studying the flavor structure of the Standard Model and beyond. We discuss the high-$p_T$ tails of neutral- and charged-current Drell-Yan processes to probe New Physics (NP) effects in semileptonic transitions. For this purpose, we describe the relevant cross-sections in terms of general...
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) provides a model-independent description to the collider events, from which the measured Wilson coefficients can be interpreted with some specific BSM model and vice versa. In the context of SMEFT, operators constructed with odd dimensions may lead to Lepton Number Violation (LNV). In this work, we will present the results of reinterpreting...
With the ever growing amount of data collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the CERN LHC, fiducial and differential measurements of the Higgs boson production cross section have become important tools to test the Standard Model predictions with an unprecedented level of precision, as well as seeking deviations that can manifest the presence of physics beyond the standard model. These...
Searches for new physics and their reinterpretations constrain the parameter space of models with exclusion limits in typically only few dimensions. However, the relevant theory parameter space often extends into higher dimensions. Limited computing resources for signal process simulations impede the coverage of the full parameter space. We present an Active Learning approach based on the...
We present the recast and sensitivity projection in a large number of benchmark models, significantly extending the physics scope of the recent search for LLPs using the CMS endcap muons detector (https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04838). The search uses the endcap muon detectors as sampling calorimeter to identify displaced showers produced by decays of long-lived particles (LLPs). The exceptional...