12–15 Dec 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

This is the 7th general workshop of the “Forum on the interpretation of the LHC results for BSM studies”, or LHC Reinterpretation Forum (RIF) for short. Its aim is to review new developments on the tools, pheno, and the experimental sides, and to prepare for the Run 3 results of the LHC. In this context, major topics of this workshop will be:  
i) the publication and reuse of statistical models, 
ii) the reinterpretation of analyses that employ machine learning, and 
iii) global analyses and global fits.

Continuing the conversation from the last workshop session, we would like to include general best practices for reinterpretation/reuse of experimental results beyond the LHC, and particularly welcome contributions regarding results from precision or astrophysical experiments.

Background: The purpose of the RIF is discuss topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, including the development of the necessary public recasting tools and related infrastructure, and to provide a platform for a continued interaction between theorists and with the experiments. So far, six general workshops were held at CERN, Fermilab, and Imperial College London. They resulted in the 2020 report on Reinterpretation of LHC Results for New Physics: Status and recommendations after Run 2, arXiv:2003.07868, and the white paper on Publishing statistical models: Getting the most out of particle physics experiments, arXiv:2109.04981 (both published in SciPost Physics), which will be the basis of this meeting.

The RIF is an LHC-physics initiative supported and promoted by the LPCC.


Live Notes


4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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Note that morning sessions are in the TH conference room 4/3-006, afternoon sessions are in 30/7-018 (Monday) and 6/R-012 (Tuesday and Wednesday).