Hands on tools
- Lukas Alexander Heinrich (Max Planck Society (DE))
Hands on tools
- Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
We report recent developments in Analysis Description Language (ADL) and the runtime interpreter CutLang in view of (re)interpretation studies. We present an infrastructure setup dedicated to a large scale LHC analysis validation functionality and the ongoing collective efforts to implement and validate a number of LHC BSM searches. We also highlight several ongoing innovative core...
Full statistical models encapsulate the complete information of an experimental result, including the likelihood function given observed data. Their proper publication is of vital importance for a long lasting legacy of the LHC. Major steps have been taken towards this goal; a notable example being ATLAS release of statistical models with the pyhf framework. However, even the likelihoods are...
A trio of automated collider event analysis tools are described and demonstrated. AEACuS interfaces with the standard MadGraph/MadEvent, Pythia, and Delphes simulation chain, via the Root file output. An extensive algorithm library facilitates the computation of standard collider event variables and the transformation of object groups (including jet clustering and substructure analysis)....
A tutorial of a full reinterpretation pipeline using MaPyDe, with a reproduction pipeline by incorporating ATLAS SimpleAnalysis