26–28 Jul 2023
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Heavy Quarkonia in magnetized matter – effects of (inverse) magnetic catalysis

Not scheduled
Auditorium AD1 (Department of Physics (University of Coimbra))

Auditorium AD1

Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

Departament of Physics (University of Coimbra)


Amruta Mishra


The partial decay widths of charmonium (bottomonium) states to DDbar (B Bbar) mesons in magnetized (nuclear) matter using a field theoretical model of composite hadrons with quark (and
antiquark) constituents. These are computed from the mass modifications of the decaying and
produced mesons within a chiral effective model, including the nucleon Dirac sea effects. The
Dirac sea contributions are observed to lead to a rise (drop) in the light quark condensates (given
in terms of the scalar fields in the chiral effective model) as the magnetic field is increased, an
effect called the (inverse) magnetic catalysis. These effects are observed to be significant and the
anomalous magnetic moments (AMMs) of the nucleons are observed to play an important role.
For ρB=0, there is observed to be magnetic catalysis (MC) without and with AMMs, whereas,
for ρB = ρ0, the inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) is observed when the AMMs are taken into
account, contrary to MC, when the AMMs are ignored. In the presence of a magnetic field, there
are also mixings of pseudoscalar (P) and vector (V) meson (PV mixing) which modify the masses
of these mesons. The heavy Quarkonia mass shifts in the magnetized matter modify the radiative
decay widths (Γ(V → P γ)), in addition to modifying the decay widths of heavy Quarkonia to open
heavy flavor mesons. The magnetic field effects on the heavy quarkonium decay widths should
have observable consequences on the production the heavy flavor mesons, which are created in
the early stage of ultra-relativistic peripheral heavy ion collisions, at RHIC and LHC, when the
produced magnetic fields can still be extremely large.

Primary author


Prof. S.P. Misra (Institute of Physics)

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