26–28 Jul 2023
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

On gauge equivariant neural networks and global symmetries

26 Jul 2023, 18:00
Floor D Foyer

Floor D Foyer


Daniel Schuh (TU Wien)


Recently, efforts have been increased to incorporate various symmetries into the architectures of neural networks. Lattice gauge equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks (L-CNNs) [1] are designed to respect local gauge symmetry, an essential component in lattice gauge theories. This makes them a promising approximator of gauge covariant functions on a lattice. In addition to local symmetries, many observables exhibit global symmetries. This calls for an extension of the L-CNN beyond translational symmetry to a more general symmetry group, including e.g. rotations and reflections [2].

In this talk, I will review some essential layers of the L-CNN and discuss why they can be used to approximate any gauge equivariant function on the lattice. Then, I will examine how these layers can be generalized to respect not only global translations, but also rotations and reflections. Finally, I will discuss globally and locally equivariant activation functions and pooling layers.

[1] M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. I. Müller, D. Schuh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022), 032003, [arXiv:2012.12901]
[2] J. Aronsson, D. I. Müller, D. Schuh [arXiv:2303.11448]

Primary author

Daniel Schuh (TU Wien)


Andreas Ipp (TU Wien) Dr David Müller (TU Wien) Jimmy Aronsson (Chalmers University of Technology) Matteo Favoni (TU Wien)

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