2–7 Jul 2023
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

First antihydrogen production at the Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR) experiment and future prospects

3 Jul 2023, 21:00
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland

Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland

Monte Verità Strada Collina 84 CH-​6612 Ascona (Ticino)


Philipp Peter Blumer (ETH Zurich (CH))


The upgrade of the antiproton decelerator, the Extra Low ENergy Antiproton (ELENA) ring started its operation at CERN in the Fall of 2021 and opened a new era for antihydrogen research. The Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR) collaboration has since started taking data and aims to directly test the Weak Equivalence Principle with a free fall of ultracold antihydrogen $\mathrm{\overline{H}}$ in Earth's gravitational field. The main principle is to first produce an antihydrogen ion $\mathrm{\overline{H}^+}$ and sympathetically cool it with $\mathrm{Be^+}$ in a Paul trap to $\mathrm{\mu K}$ temperature. The excess positron is then photodetached using a $1640\,\mathrm{nm}$ laser and the now neutral anti-atom experiences a classical free fall. By measuring the time of flight and the annihilation position of the $\mathrm{\overline{H}}$ we want to measure its acceleration with a precision of $1\%$ in a first phase. During the production of the $\mathrm{\overline{H}^+}$, $\mathrm{\overline{H}}$ atoms, with a fraction in the 2S state, will be produced which can be used to measure the Lamb shift. I will present first evidence of $\mathrm{\overline{H}}$ production in 2022, a milestone for the experiment, as well as the status and future prospects of GBAR.


Philipp Peter Blumer (ETH Zurich (CH)) Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH))

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