28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

CEνNS at the European Spallation Source

30 Aug 2023, 18:00
Hörsaal 21 lecture hall (University of Vienna)

Hörsaal 21 lecture hall

University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Parallel talk Neutrino physics and astrophysics Neutrino physics and astrophysics


Dr Ander Simón Estévez (Donostia International Physics Center)


The recent detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) creates the possibility to use neutrinos to explore physics beyond standard model, with small-size detectors. However, the CEνNS process generates signals at the few keV level, requiring very sensitive detector technologies. The European Spallation Source (ESS) has been identified as an optimal source of low energy neutrinos, offering an opportunity for a definitive exploration of all phenomenological applications of CEνNS.

A number of different detector approaches are currently under development for deployment at ESS. These next-generation technologies will be able to observe the process with lower energy threshold and better energy resolution than current detectors. The combination of their observations will allow for a complete phenomenological exploitation of the CEνNS signal. In particular, these measurements will not be statistically-limited, a result of the large neutrino flux expected at the ESS.

In this talk I will present the main projects currently being developed to detect the CEνNS at the ESS, with a strong focus on two of them: the GanESS project which will use high pressure gas TPC filled with different noble gases; and the CoSI project, which employs cryogenic undoped CsI crystals.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? Yes

Primary author

Dr Ander Simón Estévez (Donostia International Physics Center)


Francesc Monrabal Juan Collar Colmenero

Presentation materials