12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Dark matter and its detection
Phillip Urquijo
(University of Melbourne (AU))
(until 3:30 PM)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Latest results and updates from the COSINUS experiment
Vanessa Zema
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
2:15 PM
Status and prospects of SABRE North and South
Giulia D'Imperio
(INFN Roma (IT))
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
2:30 PM
Neutron calibrations in dark matter searches: the ANAIS-112 case
- Mrs
Tamara Pardo Yanguas
(CAPA, University of Zaragoza, Spain)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
2:45 PM
Quenching factor measurement of low-energy Na recoils in ultra-pure NaI(Tl) crystal
- Mr
Yusuke Urano
(Tohoku University)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
3:00 PM
Measurements of quenching factors for NaI(Tl) scintillating crystal
- Dr
Kyungwon Kim
(Center for Underground Physics, IBS)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
3:15 PM
Exploring the Impact of Tl Dopant Concentration on the Measurement of Quenching Factor in NaI Crystals
- Ms
Rituparna Maji
(HEPHY and TU Wien)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Dark matter and its detection
Marco Taoso
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Torino, Italy)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
The self-confinement of electrons and positrons from dark matter
- Prof.
Marco Regis
(University of Torino and INFN)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
2:15 PM
A Radio Telescope Search For Dark Matter in the L- and S- Bands
Aya Keller
(UC Berkeley)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
2:30 PM
Probing the Blue Axion with Cosmic Optical Background Anisotropies
Giuseppe Lucente
(Bari University & INFN Bari)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
2:45 PM
Commissioning and the first observation of ISAI, Investigating Solar Axion by Iron-57, experiment
Yoshiyuki Onuki
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
3:00 PM
Axion Clumps Meeting Neutron Stars
Sebastian Baum
(Stanford University)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
3:15 PM
Primordial Black Hole as Dark matter with gamma-ray emissions
Xiu-hui Tan
(Beijing Normal University)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Gravitational waves
Erik Katsavounidis
(until 3:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Status of the Virgo detector in view of O4
Alessio Rocchi
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
2:15 PM
Status of the underground gravitational wave detector KAGRA
- Prof.
Takafumi Ushiba
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo, Japan)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
2:30 PM
Optimal control theory for the angular control of the full payload for AdV+ Phase II
- Dr
Manuel Pinto
(European Gravitational Observatory)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
2:45 PM
Study of Newtonian noise from the KAGRA cooling system
- Dr
Rishabh Bajpai
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
3:00 PM
Mitigation of the effect of changes of atmospheric pressure on gravity detectors
- Dr
Edit Fenyvesi
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI))
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
3:15 PM
Search for gravitational wave signals from known pulsars in LIGO-Virgo O3 data using the 5n-vector ensemble method
Luca D'Onofrio
(INFN Napoli)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Neutrino physics and astrophysics
David Moore
(Yale University)
(until 3:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Final Results of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR and Improvements in its Background Model
Christopher Haufe
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States))
2:15 PM
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR's Search for Double-Beta Decay of $^{76}$Ge to Excited States of $^{76}$Se
Ian Guinn
2:30 PM
CUPID the next generation 0νββ bolometric experiment
Claudia Nones
2:45 PM
LEGEND-1000: A Ton-Scale Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Ge-76
Vincente Guiseppe
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
3:00 PM
Discovering the origin of matter with liquid xenon neutrinoless double-beta decay detectors: nEXO and beyond
- Dr
Samuele Sangiorgio
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
3:15 PM
Building an atomic source for the Project 8 experiment
- Dr
Larisa Thorne
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
2:00 PM
Neutrino physics and astrophysics
Ruben Saakyan
(University of London (GB))
(until 3:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
eV and keV sterile neutrinos search with the KATRIN experiment
Anthony Onillon
(Technical University of Munich, 85747 Garching, Germany)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
2:15 PM
Final Physics Results from the PROSPECT-I Data Set
Diego Venegas Vargas
(University of Tennessee Knoxville/ Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
2:30 PM
First Result of the Search for Antineutrino Disappearance at SoLid
- Mr
Daniel galbinski
(Imperial College London)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
2:45 PM
LiF experiment for keV sterile neutrino search
YongChang Lee
(Institute for Basic Science (Republic of Korea) & Seoul National University (Republic of Korea))
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
3:00 PM
Towards the Solutions of Reactor and Gallium Anomalies
- Prof.
Yufeng Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
3:15 PM
Search for the eV-scale sterile neutrino at a very short baseline - status and perspectives
- Dr
Alessandro Minotti
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Outreach and Education
Claire Adam Bourdarios
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
(until 3:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
CA21106 Cosmic WISPers in the Dark Universe: revealing new way for WISPs searches
- Dr
Loredana Gastaldo
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
2:15 PM
Sharing ATLAS Science: engaging the public
Giuseppe Carratta
(University and INFN, Bologna (IT))
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
2:30 PM
Announcing the detection of neutrino emission from the Galactic Plane
- Mr
Mirco Hünnefeld
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
2:45 PM
- Dr
vincenzo napolano
(European Gravitational Observatory - EGO - Italy) Dr
vincenzo napolano
(EGO Comm and Outreach Resp)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
3:15 PM
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
Underground laboratories
Paolo Gorla
(Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso - INFN)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
2:00 PM
To Callio Lab and beyond – update on the deep underground research centre in Finland.
- Ms
Julia Puputti
(University of Oulu)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
2:30 PM
Boulby Underground Laboratory: Status and plans for the UK’s deep underground science facility
Sean Paling
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
3:00 PM
Paving the way for the Paarl-Africa Underground Laboratory
- Prof.
Shaun Metzler Wyngaardt
(Stellenbosch University)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
3:15 PM
Status of the HENSA collaboration at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory: results from two years measurements of the neutron flux in hall B
Nil Mont Geli
(Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (INTE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain)
Ariel Tarifeño-Saldivia
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), CSIC - Univ. Valencia, Valencia, Spain)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
Poster session
(until 4:30 PM)
3:30 PM
Phenomenological and cosmological implications of a scotogenic three-loop neutrino mass model
Tessio de Melo
(Universidad Andres Bello / Millenium SAPHIR Institute)
3:31 PM
Preliminary Design of Waveform Digitizer for Jinping Neutrino Experiment at CJPL
- Mr
Lin Jiang
(Tsinghua University)
3:32 PM
0νββ Target Out Analysis for the SNO+ Experiment
Benjamin Tam
(Queen's University)
3:33 PM
DUNE sensitivity for observing/discriminating theories beyond standard neutrino oscillation
- Mr
Anthony Calatayud Cadenillas
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
3:34 PM
Toward Accurate Prediction of Neutron Multiplicity Associated with Neutrino Interactions
Seisho Abe
(ICRR, the University of Tokyo)
3:35 PM
Data analysis of the nucleus experiment with the Diana framework
Giorgio Del Castello
(University Sapienza of Rome (Italy) and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy))
3:36 PM
Study of long-range force of L_\mu-L_\tau symmetry at INO-ICAL detector
- Dr
Amina Khatun
(Comenius University)
3:37 PM
Development of T2K Beam Simulation with GEANT4
- Dr
Lucas Nascimento Machado
(University of Glasgow)
3:38 PM
$^{76}$Ge Detectors of LEGEND experiment: Production, Characterization, Performance
Valentina Biancacci
3:39 PM
Background Modeling for LEGEND-200
- Mr
Rushabh Gala
(North Carolina State University, USA)
3:40 PM
Atmospheric neutrino event selection and classification for oscillation analysis at JUNO
- Mr
Xinhai He
(The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3:41 PM
Development of enhanced light detectors for CUPID experiment
- Mr
Vladyslav Berest
3:42 PM
Observation of low-lying isomeric states in 136Cs: a new avenue for dark matter and solar neutrino detection in xenon detectors
- Dr
Brian Lenardo
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
3:43 PM
KM3NeT real-time analysis framework
Massimo Mastrodicasa
(Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" and INFN-Roma1)
3:44 PM
Scintillation Time Profiles of Slow Organic and Water-Based Liquid Scintillators using a Pulsed Neutron Beam
- Mr
Matthias Raphael Stock
(Physik-Department, Technische Universität München)
3:45 PM
Impact of marine macroseisms on the response of the CUORE cryogenic calorimeters
Simone Quitadamo
(Gran Sasso Science Institute (L'Aquila, Italy))
3:46 PM
Selection techniques of neutrino-induced cascades in the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope
Zuzana Bardacova
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
3:47 PM
Performance analysis of 20-inch potted PMTs for JUNO experiment
Caimei Liu
3:48 PM
Low-background radioactivity counting at the most sensitive HPGe detector in Germany
Steffen Turkat
(TU Dresden)
3:49 PM
Development of methods for the ultra-sensitive analysis of background sources in deep-underground experiments
Miroslav Jeskovsky
(Comenius University (SK))
3:50 PM
Upgrade of OSIRIS for Future Liquid Scintillator Studies
- Dr
Kai Loo
(University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)
3:51 PM
The Progress of Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) for Photothermal Detection System in Cupid-China 0vββ Experiment
Shasha Lv
(Beijing Normal University)
3:52 PM
Scintillating active Transverse Energy Filter: a novel detector concept for angular selective background discrimination
Anton Huber
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
3:53 PM
Discovery possibility of new physics beyond the two-neutrinos double-beta decay
Emanuela Celi
(Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy)
3:54 PM
Analysis techniques for the search of neutrinoless double-beta decay of Te-130 with CUORE
- Dr
Krystal Alfonso
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA)
3:55 PM
Measurements from HALO
- Dr
Stephen Sekula
(SNOLAB and Queen's University)
3:56 PM
RECODE program for reactor neutrino CEvNS detection with PPC Germanium detector
- Dr
Litao Yang
(Tsinghua University)
3:57 PM
Radon contamination measurement in the SuperNEMO demonstrator
- Mr
Yegor Vereshchaka
(IJC Lab)
3:58 PM
First Energy Calibration of SuperNEMO’s Calorimeter using its Tracko-Calo Technology
Cheryl Patrick
3:59 PM
Neutron Veto Instrumentation for LEGEND-1000
Michele Morella
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
4:00 PM
Simulations of atmospheric neutron and muon background for the NUCLEUS experiment
Jens Burkhart
4:01 PM
First results of the ACCESS project
- Dr
Lorenzo Pagnanini
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
4:02 PM
Reconstruction of double cascades in the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope
Eliska Eckerova
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
4:03 PM
Prometheus: An Open-Source Neutrino Telescope Simulation
- Dr
Stephan Meighen-Berger
(The University of Melbourne)
4:04 PM
Novel techniques for thermal detectors and applications for rare events physics
- Dr
Irene Nutini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Milano Bicocca)
4:05 PM
Pre-supernova neutrino alarm at KamLAND and its extension to an combined system with SK
- Mr
Keita Saito
(Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan)
4:06 PM
Atmospheric Tau Neutrino Interaction and its Identification at JUNO Experiment
- Mr
Zhenning Qu
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
4:07 PM
LEGEND-200 Data Acquisition, Monitoring and Calibration
Brady Bos
(University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)
4:08 PM
SNO+ Tellurium Purification and Loading for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Search
- Prof.
Steve Biller
(Oxford) Dr
Szymon Manecki
4:10 PM
Optimizing Energy Reconstruction for nEXO
- Mr
Clarke Hardy
(Stanford University)
4:11 PM
Event Reconstruction in the SNO+ Experiment
- Dr
Tereza Kroupova
(University of Pennsylvania)
4:12 PM
KATRIN neutrino mass analysis and beyond - Insight into the neural network approach
Christoph Wiesinger
(Technical University of Munich)
4:14 PM
A Neutron Veto for the PandaX-4T Experiment
Junting Huang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
4:14 PM
A New Method for Detecting Charged-Current Neutrino Interactions on 136Xe in KamLAND-Zen: Implications for Solar Neutrino Measurements and Fermionic Dark Matter Searches
- Mr
Koga Tachibana
(RCNS, Tohoku University)
4:14 PM
Backgrounds and sensitivity of the CUPID experiment
(IJCLab, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université Paris Saclay)
4:14 PM
Denoising Algorithms for the CUORE Experiment
Kenny Vetter
(UC Berkeley)
4:14 PM
Detector calibration in the sub-MeV range in JUNO
- Dr
Akira Takenaka
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)
4:14 PM
JUNO’s Sensitivity to the Neutrino Mass Ordering
Tobias Heinz
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
4:14 PM
Machine learning-based waveform reconstruction at JUNO
Guihong Huang
4:14 PM
Neutron source-based event reconstruction in the JUNO detector
- Dr
Akira Takenaka
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)
4:14 PM
P2: photon and phonon detectors on a solid Si substrate for scintillating crystals at low temperature
- Dr
Loredana Gastaldo
(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University)
4:14 PM
Pulse Shape Discrimination for the CONUS Experiment
Janine Hempfling
(Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Germany)
4:14 PM
Search for light sterile neutrinos with the KATRIN experiment
Leonard Köllenberger
(Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
4:14 PM
Unlocking the Light(er) Sterile Neutrino Sector: Matter Effects and Mass Ordering
- Mr
Dibya S. Chattopadhyay
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
4:30 PM
Dark matter and its detection
Ning Zhou
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))
(until 6:30 PM)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Experimental search for the Migdal effect with keV-level xenon nuclear recoils
- Dr
Jingke Xu
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
4:45 PM
Results from the MIGDAL experiment’s commissioning using fast neutrons from a D-D generator.
- Dr
Pawel Majewski
(STFC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
5:00 PM
The Windchime Project: Towards the Gravitational Detection of Dark Matter
Shengchao Li
(Purdue University and Westlake University)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Riding Dark Matter Waves at Windchime: Probing Ultralight Dark Photon Dark Matter with Optomechanical Sensors
Dorian Amaral
(Rice University)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Dark matter searches with AION-10, and beyond
- Dr
Christopher McCabe
(King's College London)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
5:45 PM
KDK: First measurement of the potassium-40 ground state electron capture for backgrounds in rare-event searches
- Dr
Matthew Jake Stukel
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
(BIG-Hörsaal lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Dark matter and its detection
Riccardo Catena
(Chalmers University)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Latest results from the NEWS-G dark matter experiment
Jean-Marie Coquillat
(Queen's University, Canada)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
Direct Dark Matter search with the CRESST-III experiment: Status and Prospects
Margarita Kaznacheeva
(Technical University of Munich)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Latest results from the DEAP-3600 experiment at SNOLAB
Simon Viel
(Carleton University)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
PICO-40L Bubble Chamber Status and First Results
Colin Moore
(Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Superfluid Optomechanics for dark matter direct detection
- Dr
Peter Cox
(The University of Melbourne)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Detecting Dark Matter Induced Power in Quantum Devices
- Dr
Anirban Das
(Seoul National University)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
6:00 PM
Atomic Response Functions for Light Dark Matter Direct Searches
- Prof.
Cheng-Pang Liu
(National Dong Hwa University)
(Hörsaal 3 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Gravitational waves
Erik Katsavounidis
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Estimating the redshift dependence of the BBH population using joint CBC and GWB analysis
- Mr
Max Lalleman
(University of Antwerp)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
Joint parameter estimation on overlapping gravitational wave signals from coalescing compact binaries with Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer
Tomasz Baka
(Utrecht University, Nikhef)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Some improvements of Hilbert-Huang transform for time-frequency analysis of gravitational waves
Ken-ichi Oohara
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Multi-messenger astrophysics in the gravitational-wave era
Geoffrey Mo
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Multimessenger searches with AMON
Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares
(Pennsylvania State University)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Exploiting the standing accretion shock instability for multi-messenger analysis of core-collapse supernovae
Marco Drago
(Sapienza University and INFN Roma 1)
(Hörsaal 1 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
High-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays
David Paneque Camarero
(until 6:30 PM)
(Franz-König lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Results from the Telescope Array
John Matthews
(Franz-König lecture hall)
4:45 PM
With AugerPrime to the Phase 2 of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Daniele Martello
(Università del Salento & INFN Lecce)
(Franz-König lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Anisotropy studies of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Josina Schulte
(RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany)
(Franz-König lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Sensitivity Study of IceCube-Gen2 Surface Array for Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy
Wenjie Hou
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
(Franz-König lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Towards the Composition of sub-PeV Cosmic Rays at IceCube
Julian Saffer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
(Franz-König lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Latest Results and Lessons Learned from the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
Francisco Salesa Greus
(IFIC - Valencia)
(Franz-König lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Neutrino and Cosmology
Ines Gil Botella
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecno)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
BSM searches at the MicroBooNE experiment
- Dr
Anyssa Navrer-Agasson
(University of Manchester)
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
First Constraints on Heavy QCD Axions with a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber using the ArgoNeuT Experiment
Patrick James Green
(University of Oxford (GB))
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Enhancing atmospheric background reduction using Convolutional Neural Networks in DSNB searches at Super-Kamiokande Gd
Soniya Samani
(University of Oxford (UK))
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Low Energy Neutrino Physics with THEIA and EOS
- Dr
Hans Th. J. Steiger
(Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+)
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Detecting SN neutrinos with RES-NOVA archaeological Pb cryogenic detectors
Simone Quitadamo
(Gran Sasso Science Institute (L'Aquila, Italy))
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Sensitivity to neutron invisible decay modes at JUNO
Cailian Jiang
(Nanjing University (CN))
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
6:00 PM
Open-Science Integration of a Combined Analysis of KM3NeT and CTA into the EOSC Infrastructure
Mikhail Smirnov
(Friedrich-Alexander University, ECAP, Germany)
(Hörsaal 7 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Neutrino physics and astrophysics
Fedor Simkovic
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Probing the neutrino mass scale with the KATRIN experiment
Alexey Lokhov
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)
4:45 PM
First Neutrino Mass Limit from the Project 8 Experiment
- Dr
Noah Oblath
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
5:00 PM
NEXT: first neutrino-less double beta decay searches in gaseous Xe and roadmap towards a ton-scale detector
Pau Novella Garijo
(IFIC (CSIC & Universidad de Valencia) (Spain))
5:15 PM
Status of SuperNEMO and Analysis of First Data
Cheryl Patrick
5:30 PM
Result of AMoRE-I Experiment
5:45 PM
BINGO: investigation of the Majorana nature of neutrinos at a few meV level of the neutrino mass scale
- Mr
Vladyslav Berest
6:00 PM
CDEX-300ν program for Ge-76 neutrinoless double beta decay search
- Dr
Litao Yang
(Tsinghua University) Prof.
Hao Ma
(Tsinghua University)
6:15 PM
Final results of the CUPID-0 combined background model
Emanuela Celi
(Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy) Dr
Lorenzo Pagnanini
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
4:30 PM
Neutrino physics and astrophysics
Valentina De Romeri
(IFIC CSIC/UV (Valencia, Spain))
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Recent Developments Regarding the MiniBooNE Anomaly
Nicholas Kamp
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
Damping of neutrino oscillations and decoherence in neutrino reactor and radioactive source experiments
- Prof.
Evgeny Akhmedov
(MPIK Heidelberg)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Neutrinoless double beta decay: interplay between nuclear matrix elements and neutrino exchange mechanisms
- Dr
Antonio Marrone
(University of Bari and INFN-Bari)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Light vector bosons and the weak mixing angle in the light of new reactor-based CE$\nu$NS experiments
Thomas Rink
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Sensitivity of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering experiments to Non-Standard Interactions
Gonzalo Sanchez Garcia
(Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC/UV (Valencia, Spain))
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Searching for CEvNs at a nuclear reactor with skipper-CCDs
Mariano Cababie
(SENSEI Collaboration)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
6:00 PM
CEνNS at the European Spallation Source
- Dr
Ander Simón Estévez
(Donostia International Physics Center)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
6:15 PM
Recent study and results for ionization efficiency theory in pure materials
- Dr
Youssef Sarkis Mobarak
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM)
(Hörsaal 21 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Outreach and Education
Wolfgang Adam
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Advances on the Pierre Auger Outreach and Education program
- Dr
Gabriella Cataldi
(INFN, sezione di Lecce - Italy)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
Looking for new interactions with dark matter
Maria Belen Lovino
(Gerencia Física del Centro Atómico Bariloche, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica & Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Argentina)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Art and Astrophysics in Conversation with KM3NeT Deep in the Mediterranean Sea
Jonathan Mauro
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Opening a large research facility to visitors: the case of Virgo
vincenzo napolano
(EGO Comm and Outreach Resp)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Educational outreach activities on cosmic rays: investigate the correlation between muon counts and atmospheric parameters
Davide Miceli
(University & INFN Padova, Italy)
(Hörsaal 2 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
Underground laboratories
Laura Cardani
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
4:30 PM
The Archimedes experiment at the Sar-Grav Laboratory
Domenico D'Urso
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
4:45 PM
The Archimedes Experiment, results on the thermal modulation system.
Valentina Mangano
(INFN - Roma1 , Sapienza (Italy))
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
5:00 PM
Cross section measurement of the $^{12}$C(p,$\gamma$)$^{13}$N reaction at the Felsenkeller underground ion accelerator
Simon Ruemmler
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
5:15 PM
Investigation of the γ-ray angular distribution of the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction at the Felsenkeller shallow-underground laboratory
- Mr
Anup Yadav
(Helmhotz-Zentrum Dresdend-Rossendorf (HZDR))
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
5:30 PM
Nuclear astrophysics experiments deep underground at LUNA: recent results and next steps at the new 3.5MV facility
- Dr
Sandra Zavatarelli
(INFN - Sezione di Genova)
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
5:45 PM
Decay rate measurements with a 137Cs radioisotope source at Jánossy Underground Research Laboratory (Csillebérc, Hungary)
- Dr
Edit Fenyvesi
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI))
(Hörsaal 5 lecture hall)
7:30 PM
Social Events
(until 11:00 PM)
(Wiener Rathaus)
7:30 PM
Gala Diner