28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Forging anti-helium in a dark matter crucible

28 Aug 2023, 15:45
Hörsaal 3 lecture hall (University of Vienna)

Hörsaal 3 lecture hall

University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Parallel talk Dark matter and its detection Dark matter and its detection


Anubhav Mathur (Johns Hopkins University)


The cosmic-ray experiment AMS-02 has reported the possible detection of $\sim 10$ anti-helium events. Conventional production mechanisms struggle to explain the similar fluxes observed for both isotopes ${}^4\overline{\mathrm{He}}$ and ${}^3\overline{\mathrm{He}}$. In this talk, I discuss how these species could be created through "anti-nucleosynthesis" occurring in fireballs of standard model antiquarks, leptons, and photons expanding with a relativistic bulk velocity. Such fireballs may be initiated by collisions between heavy composite states in the dark sector that carry negative baryon number. Since the fireballs are thermalized, our explanation has the distinction of being agnostic to the particular dark matter model employed. It has the additional advantage of naturally producing nuclei travelling relativistically with $\gamma \sim 10$, as observed.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? No


Dr Michael Fedderke (Johns Hopkins University) Anubhav Mathur (Johns Hopkins University) Erwin Tanin (Johns Hopkins University)


David Kaplan (Johns Hopkins University) Surjeet Rajendran (Johns Hopkins University)

Presentation materials