The QCD axion is a compelling dark-matter candidate that also solves the strong CP problem using a Peccei-Quinn mechanism. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) is the leading axion haloscope searching for dark matter in the micro-eV mass range favored by theoretical models. ADMX uses a single tunable resonant microwave cavity immersed in a magnetic field to look for the production of microwave photons as a result of the feeble coupling between the axion and electromagnetic fields. ADMX has excluded the detection of axions down to the benchmark Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitsky (DFSZ) model in the 2.6-4.2~$\mu$eV axion mass range over the past five years. As the experiment pursues higher axion masses, the complexity of the experiment increases due to the need to use arrays of smaller cavities to maintain DFSZ sensitivity to axion signals. In this talk I will summarize the most recent results and current status of the ADMX experiment, and discuss the plans to search for dark-matter axions with masses up to 20~$\mu$eV using multi-cavity arrays.
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