28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Axion searches using the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL)

28 Aug 2023, 18:30
2h 30m
University of Vienna

University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Poster Dark matter and its detection Poster session


Dr Jack Halliday (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)


The axion was initially posed as a solution to the CP problem of QCD, but axion-like particles (ALPs) also arise in string theory and are a dark matter (DM) candidate. Most laboratory axion searches concentrate on the 0.001-0.1 meV mass range, however there is growing interest in heavier (DFSZ) axions (above 10 meV) which avoid the cosmological domain wall catastrophe[1] and may explain stellar energy losses beyond those accounted for by neutrino emission[2].

Here we describe new laboratory searches for axions performed at EuXFEL. These are sensitive to an axion/ALP mass range including 1 meV-1 eV, which is unconstrained by astrophysical arguments if axions constitute DM. Similar searches were previously performed on a 3rd generation synchrotron[3]; however limited flux prevented those experiments probing down to DM relevant couplings. This work is the first step in developing a platform with improved sensitivity due to an increase in brightness by $\sim10^{10}$ when using EuXFEL. Initial work has confirmed previous bounds on the axion-photon coupling[3] and considered a previously unexplored axion mass range. In future we expect to probe down to the coupling in the keV mass range for which QCD axions can be DM.

[1]K.Beyer & S.Sarkar arXiv:2211.14635v5. (2023)
[2]M.Giannotti+ JCAP 2017.10 (2017)
[3]T.Yamaji+ Phys.Lett.B 782, 523–527 (2018)

Funded by the UK EPSRC (EP/X01133X/1 & EP/X010791/1). SS & GG are members of the QSHS consortium funded by the UK STFC (ST/T006277/1).

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? No


Dr Jack Halliday (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) Giacomo Marocco (Lawrence Berkeley National Labs) Charlie Heaton (University of Oxford) Charlie Arrowsmith (University of Oxford) Carsten Baehtz (European XFEL) Bob Bingham (STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory/University of Strathclyde/University of Oxford) Simon Bland (Imperial College London) Sebastian Goede (European XFEL) Oliver Humphries (European XFEL) Alejandro Laso (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) Motoaki Nakatsutsumi (European XFEL) Richard Plackett (University of Oxford) Thomas Preston (European XFEL) Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford) Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford) Pontus Svensson (University of Oxford) Georgios Vacalis (University of Oxford) Daniel Wood (University of Oxford) Ulf Zastrau (European XFEL) Gianluca Gregori (University of Oxford)

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