10:00 AM
Andrii Len - The usage of Deep Learning for QCD background estimation
10:15 AM
Ernest Sorokun - Data Reduction for the ProtoDUNE Detector Control System
10:30 AM
Volodymyr Svintozelskyi - Development of high-performance reconstruction algorithms for detecting long-lived particles
10:45 AM
Haoran Sun - Support for MiniAOD Transformer for ServiceX
11:00 AM
Bohdan Tyshchenko - A rigorous benchmarking of methods for SARS-CoV-2 lineage detection in wastewater
11:15 AM
--- Break ---
11:20 AM
Volodymir Shabanov - Role of Myocardin-Related Transcription Factors in the Smooth Muscle Cell gene program
11:35 AM
Dmytro Horyslavets - Sequence-read extraction from counting de Bruijn graphs
11:50 AM
Ameya Thete - Equivariant GNNs for Charged Particle Tracking